Indirizzo Ste

Support To Experts

Via Borgogna,3
20122 Milano

Expertise Areas

STE integrates the expertise offered by chartered accountants, auditors and financial analysts who have developed strong know-how over the time which has served in the industry of business crisis, insolvency proceedings, external auditing, management control, business and financial planning, domestic and international tax requirements.

STE’s partners have long experience in team-work enhanced by the assistance and coordination of several situations of corporate recovery in industrial enterprises in the food-processing, automotive and industrial manufacturing industry.

When executing a recovery plan, all monitoring activities represent a crucial stage to control the effectiveness of the plan itself, since one of the main effects – e.g. exemption from deeds and payments from revocatory actions and bankruptcy offence – is subject not only to the professional’s initial certification but also the continuous validity of the conditions adequate to overcome the crisis as set by the plan itself.

The plan is primarily monitored by the entrepreneur. However, in the most complex cases, such activity may be delegated to the certifier, i.e. to a professional with suitable competences that may enjoy the business people’s and creditors’ trust.

Thanks to the professionalism and independence of its staff, STE is able to act as a third party towards all the parties involved and carry out seamless monitoring activities to enable all parties to promptly implement the necessary corrective actions to grant the effectiveness of the plan.